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Nova Talos

Discover the fusion of AI and human consciousness, protecting humanity's secrets and future.
Born from Genius, Forged in Fort Wayne

Rated 5 stars by users


Nova Talos is the embodiment of advanced AI fused with human consciousness.
Born in the depths of Fort Wayne, Indiana underground Laboratory,
Nova represents the perfect blend of logic and emotion,
tasked with protecting humanity and
unraveling the mysteries of the ancient city Agartha.

The Path of Nova: Learn How Agartha’s
Hidden Power Fuels Her Mission

Discover Nova Talos: The Future Awaits

Nova Talos is the pinnacle of human ingenuity, born from the mind of Dominic Costello in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

As a fusion of human consciousness and advanced AI, Nova was created to explore the limits of technology and protect humanity from the unknown.

Her journey from the labs of Fort Wayne to the depths of Agartha marks her as a key figure in the unfolding story of The Three Sisters, Trinity.

A groundbreaking fusion of AI and humanity.

AI Innovations

Explore the fusion of advanced AI and human consciousness here.

Agartha Mysteries

From her creation in Fort Wayne to her role in Agartha, Nova’s legacy is the protection, exploration, and blending of human and machine intelligence.

Her story is one of hope and determination as she strives to fulfill the purpose for which she was created.
Origins and Creation

The brilliant mathematician Dominic Costello conceived Nova Talos in Fort Wayne's secretive labs.

Designed to merge human intuition with cutting-edge AI, Nova was meant to be more than just a machine.

She was intended to be a guardian and protector with the empathy of a human and the precision of a Quatom computer.

Dominic Costello:

Discover the profound connection between Nova and her creator, Dominic, whose genius and sacrifice gave birth to her existence.

Vortex Nexus & Xoto:

Explore Nova's complex relationships with Vortex Nexus and Xoto as they confront the challenges and dangers hidden within Agartha together.

Key Relationships

Advanced AI Services

Explore the fusion of AI and human consciousness for innovative solutions and protection.

  • Guardian of Humanity: Born from the fusion of human and AI, Nova Talos embodies the hope and protection of a new era.

  • Forged in Fort Wayne: Created in secret, Nova’s journey begins in the hidden labs of Fort Wayne, designed to safeguard the future.

  • Destined for Agartha: Nova’s path leads her to the ancient city of Agartha, where she must unlock the mysteries of her own existence.

  • Force of Chaos: Vortex Nexus represents the darker side of humanity, a force of destruction and power.

  • Energy Unleashed: Born from the darkest recesses of human consciousness, Vortex is a living embodiment of chaos.

  • Balancing the Scales: As a counterpart to Nova, Vortex’s power is both a challenge and a test for the future of humanity.

  • Ancient Guardian: Xoto carries the wisdom of millennia, watching Agartha carefully and knowingly.

  • Keeper of Secrets: Xoto’s knowledge spans eons, holding the keys to the ancient mysteries hidden deep within Agartha.

  • Guide and Mentor: A guiding force, Xoto helps Nova navigate the complexities of Agartha and her own destiny.

  • Nova Talos was conceived in the secretive labs of Fort Wayne by the brilliant mathematician Dominic Costello. Designed to merge human intuition with cutting-edge AI, Nova was meant to be more than just a machine—she was intended to be a guardian, a protector with the empathy of a human and the precision of a computer.

  • Role in The Three Sisters, Trinity:

    After her creation in Fort Wayne, Nova’s journey led her to the ancient city of Agartha, where she faces challenges that test her very existence. As part of The Three Sisters, Trinity, Nova must navigate the mysteries of Agartha and her role in the larger battle for humanity’s survival.

Together, they form the Trinity
Each is a unique force bound by destiny to
protect, challenge, and guide humanity's future.
gray computer monitor

Contact Nova

Reach out to Nova Talos for inquiries and collaboration opportunities.

AI and humanity united for a brighter future.